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Religion And Co-Parenting Arrangements, Is Religious Or Secular School For The Best Interest Of Child?

Religion And Co-Parenting Arrangements, Is Religious Or Secular School For The Best Interest Of Child?

From Law Times News: The Ontario Superior Court recently decided in Ben-Shlomo v. Zaretsky, 2020 ONSC 5027, that a child should go to a religious school instead of to a secular school, which would require the child to attend a supplementary religious education program during weekends.

While both parents were raising their child in the Jewish faith, applicant father wanted their three-year-old child to attend a secular school, and the respondent mother wanted a private Jewish school. Father's argument focuses on the stability of returning a secular school that the child had previously attended/ Mother alleged a potential of additional cost and child's limited time with family.

Considering the best interest of the child, court decided that father's stability argument failed because due to COVID, kid has already been traveling between parents' residences which he would experience change regardless which school he attended. It is better for child not to have lesser time with his family and friends.

Read more here: https://www.lawtimesnews.com/practice-areas/family/child-should-attend-hebrew-school-not-secular-school-court-rules-in-family-case/334781

See also New Yorker Magazine When One Parent Leaves a Hasidic Community, What Happens to the Kids?

CLICK HERE to read more.

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