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Blue States Practice the Family Values Red States Preach

Blue States Practice the Family Values Red States Preach

Nicholas Kristof an op ed writer for the New York Times reported research reflecting that while liberals and conservatives have different views of strict moral codes, their philosophies don’t match their behavior.

The results of the annual Youth Risk Behavior Survey  found that people living in so-called blue states have lower rates of teen pregnancy, divorce and prostitution than their counterparts in conservative states.

In a survey of 32 states, the states with the highest percentage of teens who are sexually active were Mississippi, Delaware, West Virginia, Alabama and Arkansas.

“Meanwhile,” Krostof wrote, “the five states with the lowest proportion of high school students who have had sex were New York, California, Maryland, Nebraska and Connecticut. All but Nebraska voted Democratic.”

When teens from evangelical backgrounds have sex, they are less likely to use birth control or protection against STDs. Of the 10 states with the highest teen birth rates, nine voted Republican in 2016. Of the 10 states with the lowest teen birth rates, nine voted Democratic.

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