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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Women Interact More Comfortably and Intimately With Gay Men-But Not Straight Men-After Learning Their Sexual Orientation

In recent years, modern media have highlighted the ease with which straight women and gay men relate to one another. Social scientists have empirically corroborated this phenomenon by examining close friendships between straight women and gay men. They have reported that women show an increased willingness to engage in intimate conversations with gay men very early...
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I Want My Baby Back? Biological Parents’ Rights Ended At Adoption

A biological mother and father who consented to the adoption of their child cannot 13 years later seek custody. The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed a trial court ruling to that effect Friday, finding that to rule otherwise would “lead to a patently absurd result in this case and potentially many others.”

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It’s Not My Baby, Same-Sex Parental Rights

National gay rights advocates are watching how a child support fight between a divorced lesbian couple plays out in Hawaii, likely the first such case before a state Supreme Court, experts say.

A woman wants to sever her parental rights to a child her ex-wife gave birth to and is appealing a...

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