Women Interact More Comfortably and Intimately With Gay Men-But Not Straight Men-After Learning Their Sexual Orientation

Fact: Other democracies spend up to 10 times more on civil legal aid than the United States.
To close the gap, without money, a Florida Commission looks to close the Justice Gap with a new phone app can help the tens of thousands of low-income Floridians who must defend themselves...
A biological mother and father who consented to the adoption of their child cannot 13 years later seek custody. The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed a trial court ruling to that effect Friday, finding that to rule otherwise would “lead to a patently absurd result in this case and potentially many others.”
National gay rights advocates are watching how a child support fight between a divorced lesbian couple plays out in Hawaii, likely the first such case before a state Supreme Court, experts say.
A woman wants to sever her parental rights to a child her ex-wife gave birth to and is appealing a...