299 Alhambra Circle Ste #418 Coral Gables, Fl 33134
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Category Archives: Uncategorized

DEFUSE DIVORCE – A Neutral Orientation to Timesharing (a/k/a “Custody”)Evaluations for Anxious Parents (and Attorneys)

I am both happy and proud to have as a first official “supporter” of this
newsletter my colleague psychologist Ben Garber, PhD a noted and respected
evaluator, and prolific author on the interface of psychology and family law.
Ben has (as you will read below – and if you read to the end, there is a

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Who Cares for the Dog After the Owner Dies?

From the New York Times: In 2016, Tracy Jennings received shocking news: A lifelong friend, a woman who had a farm with animals great and small, had died suddenly in an accident.

A circle of grieving friends hastily arranged new homes for the woman’s beloved animals, including three older horses....

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