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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Living Together BUT NOT Married in the United States

Naomi Cahn (UVA) & Barbara Atwood (Arizona) have recently posted to SSRN their article Nonmarital Cohabitants: The US Approach, Houston Journal of International Law.  

Here is the abstract:

This article reviews the legal status of nonmarital cohabitation in the United States. The recognition of cohabitants’ claims in...

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U.K. Rabbinic Courts: New Anti-Domestic Abuse Law

From Haaretz: The passage of a new law effectively criminalizing Orthodox men’s refusal to grant their wives a religious divorce has polarized the British Jewish community, pitting women’s advocates against a religious court system which claims that the legislation has inadvertently complicated efforts to free women trapped in broken marriages.

Bill Cosby Redux: Hard Lessons For Lawyers in Cosby Case; Tougher For Victims

From Associated Press: Pennsylvania’s highest court ruled that a district attorney had induced Cosby to give incriminating testimony in 2005 for a lawsuit, with the promise that no criminal charges would be filed. Then, a decade later, another prosecutor used it against him — a fundamental violation of his Fifth Amendment rights. “America’s...

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