From the Oregonian:
Since 2016, Oregon women have had the option to end their early pregnancies at home with an abortion through TelAbortion, a telemedicine program that allows women to bypass many of the traditional in-person clinical visits and consultations needed to get an abortion.
TelAbortion is a research study sponsored by Gynuity Health Projects, a nonprofit reproductive health organization based in New York.
It began operating in Oregon, Washington, New York, and Hawaii in 2016 and has expanded to 16 states, adding five as the pandemic exploded. At the start of February, the program has conducted 3,327 screenings and mailed 1,654 packages nationwide.
Studies have shown telemedicine abortion is as safe and effective as medicine abortions conducted in-person.
For now, TelAbortion remains the only avenue for women to access abortions by telemedicine. It’s limited to women in their first 10 weeks of pregnancy, as the medications are less effective after that period of time.
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